Friday, February 5, 2021

Deus creator omnium / O God, Who Made the Universe

Through the Year. Sundays 1 and 3. I Vespers. 

Deus, Creator omnium,
polisque rector, vestiens
diem decore lumine,
noctem soporis gratia.  

Artus solutos ut quies
reddat laboris usui
mentesque fessas allevet
luctusque solvat anxios. 

Grates peracto iam die
et noctis exortu preces,
voti reos ut adiuves,
hymnum canentes solvimus.

Te cordis ima concinant,
te vox canora concrepet,
te diligat castus amor,
te mens adoret sobria.
Ut cum profunda clauserit
diem caligo noctium,
fides tenebras nesciat
et nox fide reluceat.

Dormire mentem ne sinas,
dormire culpa noverit;
castos fides refrigerans
somni vaporem temperet.

Exuta sensu lubrico
te cordis alta somnient,
ne hostis invidi dolo
pavor quietos suscitet.

Christum rogamus et Patrem 
Christi Patrisque Spiritum;
unum potens in omnia
fove precantes, Trinitas. Amen..
O God, who made the universe,
And Ruler of the sky, who dress
The day with fair and gladsome light,
The night with grace of restfulness;

May rest our wearied limbs restore
Once more to their activity;
Relieve the weakness of our minds;
From troub'ling sorrow set us free.

With grateful prayers we sing a hymn
As daylight ends and night begins;
Thus we fulfill our vows to you,
That you might take away our sins.  

To you, may hearts in harmony,
To you, their tuneful voices ring;
In you may love find pure delight,
Your praise the sober spirit sing.   

That, when the deepest, darkest night
Has closed around and covered day,
May faith no doubt or darkness know,
And night, by faith, true light display.

Do not allow the soul to sleep,
But let wrongdoing sleep again;
Let faith, which keeps us chaste and cool,
In sleep the warmth of sense restrain.

Stripped of deception, let the heart
At rest profoundly dream of you,
Lest terror of the ancient foe
Deceive, and evil wake anew.

We pray the Father and his Christ,
And Spirit, joined in unity,
One God, who rules in ev'rything:
Tend to us all, O Trinity. Amen.

Copyright 2020 Fr. Thomas Buffer

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