Monday, July 27, 2009

Convent Remodeling Begins

On Saturday morning the herculean task of turning a neglected house into a perfect convent began. The sisters arrive August 18 so we have to hurry! In the video, you see the very definition of demolition. The volunteers are removing a non-original wall that blocked a lot of light from getting to the living room. The photo shows one of the several places where old water damage to ceilings will be repaired. Note the late-50s light fixtures! Next work session is Monday July 27 at 6 p.m. Y'all come! Te esperamos. No faltes.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ohio's North Coast

Those who have never been to Ohio, and most of those who live in Ohio, when thinking of Ohio (if they ever do), don't picture such a scene as this. But there it was, just a week ago Sunday evening, as seen from the cockpit of the sloop Vidi Aquam.